In Nigeria, The rate at which people are relocating with family is on the increase and it is happening daily. Each and everyone has their reasons for relocating from one state, Area, city, or town. According to reports, there is a high possibility that one might relocate to another place within the space of 5 years. One of the reasons is that if you rent an apartment in a certain location and you are currently living happily there, you can be transferred to another state from your place of work and at that time you might not have the capacity to rent an apartment for yourself and your family separately.
Some people might have issues with their landlord and would have no option but to get a new apartment and they would relocate.
In most cases, it happens that one might have achieved success and much profit in his or her businesses and have decided to build his or her own house in a different location.
At times, People tend to build their houses in a different location, or states which may be far away from their place of abode due to land issues, Family issues or choices.
Relocation this day is not a thing for some specific tribes, languages, and sets of people, but it is a thing that most times you don’t have any option but to change your location.
Relocating with your family, Photo credit: Getty Images
According to reports, the net migration rate in 2024 is -0.267 per 1000 population, a decline of 2.2% from 2023 which has a migration rate of -0.263 per 1000 population.
As we speak, People are still relocating from village to city for their education, jobs, civilizations, and family purposes.
In this article, we will be talking about family relocation, How to plan a family relocation, tips for relocating with young children, relocating with family on a budget, managing stress when relocating with family and finding housing when relocating with family.
We will highlight step by step with detailed information on how to relocate with family.
How to plan a family relocation in Nigeria
Here are step-by-step guides on how to plan a family relocation in Nigeria
- 1. Make research before getting accommodations: Doing research before a family relocation in any part of the countries of the world is one of the best and most secure strategies for anyone. At that time it would be clear that the place you are currently moving to is a safe place before embarking on the journey. One should ask around one or two people about the current location to know if the place is safe and violence-free. If those measures are put into consideration then it’s safe to get the accommodations and then embark on your family relocation.
- 2. Packing strategy: You need to devise a good packing strategy to make things much easier for you. In this case, you must be careful because of the excitement that comes with moving from one location to another. A good packing strategy with help you retain most of the utilities you have in your possession and how manage them during this process. There should be a time frame for you to organize most of your properties and how best to sort them one by one. In times like this, you don’t have to rush because you can’t afford to lose some of your valuables during this process. Starting from the decor, furniture, home appliances, and other equipment, you must handle them with care since you still want to move them to your new apartment or location.
- 3. Find a moving van: You also want to book a moving van this far in advance. Research rental options to find a service that meets your needs and budget. If you’re going to need a temporary storage solution as you move things around, this is when you’ll want to look into it.
- 4. Finding a school for your kids: If you have kids, you should start researching schools in the neighborhood. Resources like Great Schools can help you find a suitable school in a specific area. You can also use this time to request transcripts for your kids from their current school. Submitting all the requirements to the new school ensures you settle everything long before the kids start their first day.
- 5. Notify your friends and Family: It’s a good idea to notify your friends and families about your relocation weeks before you move to the new location. It’s a good thing to do because it also helps them to keep in check with you for safety purposes. They will have the chance to felicitate with you and also be of help when you are about to move to your new destinations.
- 6. Talk with your Landlord: Those who are renting will need to talk to their landlord. In most cases, it’s required for a tenant to give notice before moving to a new place. Settle any debt you may have to get it out of the way.
- 7. Make minor home repairs: If you want to get your security deposit back (and who doesn’t?), you should assess your home to see if there are minor repairs that need to be done. This can include minor paint touch-ups or removing nails from the walls.
Tips for relocating with young children
Relocating with young children can be a challenge at any age, but it can be more stressful for kids who are not part of the decision-making process. Whether your kids are toddlers or teenagers, there are always additional challenges for relocating with your children to a new location.
In this process, it is always a challenging time for the children because they will be leaving their schools and friends behind because in most cases, it can be a relocation that you have to move from one state to another.
It’s very important to let your kids know that they are not leaving their toys, games, and beds behind and that you will always be there together as a family.
The more they understand this, the easier it will be for them to accept the change in their life.
Helping a younger child with change is all about validating their fears and feelings, listening to them, and laying out expectations for them in ways that they can understand. Make your message about this change positive and clear, and reinforce it many times as you lead up to your move.
Follow the tips below on how to relocate your younger children that will ease their stress and heal their fears in this challenging time.
Here are 5 tips for relocating with young children:
- 1. Talk to your children about the relocation: Processing a move can be hard for children, so start talking to them about the relocation as far in advance as you can help prepare them.
Your children may not be able to fully grasp the concept of the relocation, but it is very important to let them know it happening ahead of time. Preparing your children before relocation will have a big impact on how easily they will adapt once they are in the new location.
Here are ways to make the conversation with your younger child go smoothly.
- ● Let them know that everything will stay the same in the home or new location. If their routine and family structure will not change, just make it clear to them.
- ● Emphasize that you will be taking all of their stuff with them. Their toys, blankets, games, and furniture won’t be left behind.
- ● Try using a story to convey the situation to them in terms they can understand.
- ● Break It down to their level. Pick up your child or sit with them so that you can make eye contact.
- ● Slow down and watch for your child’s non-verbal cues so that they know you’re really listening to them.
- ● Let them know what to expect on the day of the relocation without overwhelming them with much detail.
- ● Talk normally and in full sentences without using baby talk. Slow your speech down and give them time to fully understand what you are telling them.
Offer your children real choices to make them feel like they’re not helpless. Do they want to carry a special toy with them? Do they want to pick out their own outfit for the moving day?
- ● Take your child to your new community before relocation.
In most cases, you might not be able to take your children to the new location due to long distance, but trying to teach them about your new town or city, or province would be of great help to them. Show them pictures and tell them about all the fun things that will be waiting for them once they relocate. Make the story about the new place, not the one you’re leaving. Make an interesting list of the parks, malls, ice cream shops, libraries, schools’ and friends’ houses that will be waiting for them once they relocate.
- ● Be Patient with your child.
For all your upbeat conversations and well-intentioned neighborhood playdates, your child might still be anxious about the move. That is perfectly normal, so allow them to express their anxiety. Answer any questions they have about the move and be prepared to give them the space they need. Keep your answers clear and simple. They will adjust to your new home eventually, but it may just take some time to process
- ● Have a plan for the relocation day.
Arrange for your toddler to have a babysitter for moving day if you’re moving locally. With boxes and furniture being moved, the noise and chaos of the day is no place for small children. There are too many distractions for you to give your toddler your full attention, so it’s best to leave them out of it. Just make sure that they arrive in your new home with enough time before bedtime to explore the house or they may not be able to get to sleep!
If a babysitter is not an option for you, take the time to explain what is happening step-by-step to your child. Those boxes will be transported to your new home, they’re not going to disappear. Give them extra attention and include them in the process by asking them to watch over a very special stuffed animal or to take care of that bright blue sippy cup.
When everything is packed and out of the old house, walk your toddler from room to room to say goodbye. Let them take their time and answer any questions they may have on your tour. This closure can be good for both you and your child.
- ● Allow time to unpack and get settled.
It’s important to build a sense of familiarity for your toddler shortly after your belongings are delivered to your new home. If possible, don’t throw out any of your child’s old furniture or make any upgrades right away.
Unpack their things first and bring out their favorite book or toy right away to give them a sense of security. It may be tempting to bring out your dishes or clothing right off the bat, but this small act of kindness sets the tone for the first few days in your new home.
Try to keep your child’s schedule the same for these days. It’s a big chore to set up a new home and you may be feeling overwhelmed, so this consistency can be good for you too. Feed and bathe your child at the same time as always and take some time out of your day to play with them.
In the first few weeks of your new living situation, your child is going to need more assurance and soothing from you than they usually do. Make sure you are available to them every day. Take reduced hours at work or hold off on dinner plans until your new house feels like home to your child. Read them a few extra bedtime stories; the unpacking can wait.
Relocating with family on a budget
Relocating with one’s family on a budget is a step that requires strategic thinking and some measures need to be set in place for you to achieve success at the later end.
There should be a proper budget plan set in place ahead of the relocation with one’s family. It is also a step-by-step process that takes time but would yield a great result if proper measures are taken.
Here are some tips for relocating with family on a budget in Nigeria.
- 1. Create a Budget: For a successful relocation from one state to another, you have to create a budget plan that would help you know your financial capacity, it helps you get prepared and will let you know when you are fit to move from your former location. Your budget would let you know when you need help from your colleagues and when they should step in so you can achieve your set goal. It can be a six-month or 1-year budget plan and all you have to do is to break it down and roll out a new plan on how to achieve it in the space of a year or six month.
- 2. Ask for help: If you are not financially buoyant you need to ask for help during this process. You can ask your friends and families at your months new location for help to save money on hiring additional hands. It is very important at this moment because you have so many bills to sort out.
- 3. Research the new location: Do proper research for the new location you are moving to, including the cost of living, health care, food expenses, school fees, climate, and safety. Also, consider whether there’s an expat community and if the schools around there meet your needs.
Managing stress when relocating with family
The process of relocating with family from one location to another can be stressful because it’s a new place and you’re yet to be familiar with such an environment. This is the reason why one must have a good plan that would make things much easier for him and his family. With proper measures set in place, you can manage the stress that comes with relocating from one place to another.
As we all know that there has never been an easy step to take in life, but if the steps taken are based on a good planning it will turn out differently.
Here are tips on how to manage the stress of relocating with family.
- 1. Make early preparation: You need to prepare early, give yourself enough time, and start ASAP.
- 2. Take things a step at a time: Don’t overwork yourself during this process you need to take things a step at a time. If possible, you can set a goal per week and make plan on how to achieve it, don’t stress your self with workloads.
- 3. Acknowledge your emotions: Accept that you might feel anxious, sad, or even grieving. Even if you try to display maturity during this process, your children might not have the strength to overcome their emotions. Be there for them.
- 4. Take a break from work: Don’t go overboard thinking of the move, take a break occasionally.
- 5. Practice self-care: Be kind to yourself, and take care of your physical health.
- 6. Learn on others: You can get help from others, and lean into your social support.
- 7. Focus on what you can control: You need to focus on things you can achieve at that period and what you can control.
- 8. Consider a therapy: If need be, consider a therapist and start working with it.
Finding housing when relocating with Family
The most important thing and the first step to take when relocating with family is to consider housing and accommodations as your first priority. Once you can achieve that conveniently it will ease your stress and make the relocation process as smooth as anything. Finding accommodation might not be an easy task, but with help and consultation from good estate management personnel, you can achieve that within a short period of time.
You can consider the few steps when finding housing during relocation with family.
- 1. Safety: You need to confirm if the new location is safe, violence-free and the neighborhood is secure.
- 2. Location: Make enquiry whether the neighborhood is family-friendly and has places for kid, like schools, parks and hospitals.
- 3. Amenities: Be sure that the neighborhood has access to shopping, banks, and other amenities.
- 4. Rent: You need to know if the rents are affordable.
- 5. Electricity: Make findings to know if the electricity is good.
- 6. Network coverage: Be sure whether the cellular network in the location is good.
- 7. Repairs: You need to confirm if the landlord or property owners will be responsible for major repairs.
- 8. Contracts: Make sure you read through the contract before agreeing to sign the document, Read to understand.
The Keywords in this articles includes:
How to Plan a family relocation in Nigeria.
Tips for relocating with young children.
Relocating with family on a budget.
Managing stress when relocating with family.
Finding housing when relocating with family