Liema Pantsi, A South African Reality star and Big Brother Mzansi housemate has told her colleague, Makhekhe during their h£at£d f!.ght last night in the house.
Last night during their dinner time, Liema and Makhekhe had a little disagreement after he accused her of having anger issues and not knowing her place in the house.
Makhekhe statements angered Liema which led to her warning him that he should stop pushing such false narrative about her.
She also corrected him about the last born statements that has been flying in the house while stating that all the housemates should stop it
In her words;
“Don’t tell me I have anger issues, You’re not the one to tell me about knowing my place or being in my place”.
Responding to Liema, Makhekhe told her to go and warn the other housemates who have been calling her names, and stop transferring her aggression on him.
Watch the video below;