Big Brother Titans, Mmeli has emerged the first Head of House of this season as he picks his colleague, Ipeleng as his Deputy for the week.
This comes after all the BBTitans housemates battled at the arena for the head of house game this evening.
According to Part 1 of the game, the housemates are to as much paper plane with the provided instructions in their front.
Part 2 of the game, the housemates will throw the paper planes made as far as possible. The first two whose paper planes travel the farthest shall proceed to the next round of the game.
Luckily for the ladies, Jenny O and Olivia (NG)won and they moved to the next round as well as Mmeli and Lukas(S.A)who also won for the gents.
Battling for the final round of the game, they are to play a game of dice in a cup.
Fortunately for the guys, Mmeli rolled the dice and got a six while others had minimum of 5.
Congratulations to Mmeli as he emerges the winner of the head of house game.
Mmeli has appointed his Deputy who happens to be a gentle lady called Ipeleng.
Mmeli won the Head of House for this week while Khosi also becomes the tail of the house for the week.
Watch the Video of the head of house games below;